We are children of the sun, Rising sun! Weaving Southern destiny, Waiting for the mighty hour When our Shiloh shall appear With the flaming sword of right, With the steel of brotherhood, And emboss in crimson die Liberty! Fraternity! ... Read more of Children Of The Sun at Martin Luther King.caInformational Site Network Informational
  Home - Biography - I Have a Dream Speech - QuotesBlack History: Articles - Poems - Authors - Speeches - Folk Rhymes - Slavery Interviews


Alex Rogers
- Dunbar
- Why Adam Sinned

Alice Dunbar-Nelson
- Winter Is Coming

Anne Spencer
- Oblivion
- Before The Feast Of Shushan
- At The Carnival
- The Wife-woman
- Translation

Benjamin Brawley
- To Our Friends
- My Hero

Charles Bertram Johnson
- Sonnet
- A Little Cabin

Claude McKay
- My Little Dreams
- The Lynching
- If We Must Die
- To The White Fiends
- The Harlem Dancer
- Harlem Shadows
- After The Winter
- Spring In New Hampshire
- The Tired Worker
- The Barrier
- To O E A
- Flame-heart

Daniel Webster Davis
- Dream And The Song
- 'weh Down Souf

Edward Smyth Jones
- The Teacher

Fenton Johnson
- De Drum Majah
- Children Of The Sun
- The New Day
- The Banjo Player

George Marion McClellan
- A Litany Of Atlanta
- Dogwood Blossoms
- A Butterfly In Church
- The Hills Of Sewanee

George Reginald Margetson
- Rhapsody

Georgia Douglas Johnson
- The Rubinstein Staccato Etude
- The Heart Of A Woman
- Lost Illusions
- I Want To Die While You Love Me

James D. Corrothers
- Compensation
- At The Closed Gate Of Justice
- Paul Laurence Dunbar
- The Negro Singer
- The Road To The Bow
- In The Matter Of Two Men
- An Indignation Dinner

James Edwin Campbell
- A Death Song
- Negro Serenade
- De Cunjah Man
- Uncle Eph's Banjo Song
- Ol' Doc' Hyar
- When Ol' Sis' Judy Pray

James Weldon Johnson
- O Black And Unknown Bards
- Sence You Went Away
- The Creation
- The White Witch
- Mother Night
- O Southland!
- Brothers

Jessie Fauset
- The Negro Soldiers
- La Vie C'est La Vie
- Christmas Eve In France
- Dead Fires
- Oriflamme

John Greenleaf Whittier
- To William Lloyd Garrison
- Toussaint L'ouverture
- The Slave-ships
- Expostulation
- The Yankee Girl
- The Hunters Of Men
- Stanzas For The Times
- Clerical Oppressors
- A Summons
- To The Memory Of Thomas Shipley
- The Moral Warfare
- Ritner
- The Pastoral Letter
- The Farewell Of A Virginia Slave Mother To
- Her Daughters Sold Into Southern Bondage
- Pennsylvania Hall
- The New Year
- The Relic
- The World's Convention
- Massachusetts To Virginia
- The Christian Slave
- The Sentence Of John L Brown
- The Sentence Of John L Brown
- Texas Voice Of New England
- To Faneuil Hall
- To Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- The Pine-tree
- To A Southern Statesman
- At Washington
- The Branded Hand
- The Freed Islands
- A Letter
- Lines From A Letter To A Young Clerical Friend
- Daniel Neall
- Song Of Slaves In The Desert
- To Delaware
- Yorktown
- Randolph Of Roanoke
- The Lost Statesman
- The Slaves Of Martinique
- The Curse Of The Charter-breakers
- Paean
- The Crisis
- Lines On The Portrait Of A Celebrated Publisher
- Derne
- A Sabbath Scene
- In The Evil Days
- Moloch In State Street
- Official Piety
- The Rendition
- Arisen At Last
- The Haschish
- For Righteousness' Sake
- The Kansas Emigrants
- Letter From A Missionary Of The Methodist Episcopal Church South, In Kansas, To A Distinguished Politician
- Burial Of Barber
- To Pennsylvania
- Le Marais Du Cygne
- The Pass Of The Sierra
- A Song For The Time
- What Of The Day?
- A Song, Inscribed To The Fremont Clubs
- The Panorama
- Archdeacon Barbour
- With Its Frontispiece, Ary Scheffer's "christus Consolator Americanized By The Omission Of The Black Man
- The Summons
- To William H Seward
- Thy Will Be Done
- A Word For The Hour
- Luther's Hymn
- To John C Fremont
- The Watchers
- To Englishmen
- Mithridates At Chios
- At Port Royal
- Song Of The Negro Boatmen
- Abolition Of Slavery In The District Of Columbia, 1862
- The Battle Autumn Of 1862
- Hymn Sung At Christmas By The Scholars Of St Helena's Island, S C
- The Proclamation
- Anniversary Poem
- Barbara Frietchie
- What The Birds Said
- The Mantle Of St John De Matha A Legend Of "the Red, White, And Blue," A D 1154-1864
- Laus Deo!
- Hymn For The Celebration Of Emancipation At Newburyport
- After The War The Peace Autumn
- To The Thirty-ninth Congress
- The Hive At Gettysburg
- Howard At Atlanta
- The Emancipation Group
- The Jubilee Singers
- Garrison
- The Quaker Of The Olden Time
- Democracy
- The Gallows
- Seed-time And Harvest
- To The Reformers Of England
- The Human Sacrifice
- Dedication
- The Shoemakers
- The Fishermen
- The Lumbermen
- The Ship-builders
- The Drovers
- The Huskers
- The Corn-song
- The Reformer
- The Peace Convention At Brussels
- The Prisoner For Debt
- The Christian Tourists
- The Men Of Old
- To Pius Ix
- Calef In Boston
- Our State
- The Prisoners Of Naples
- The Peace Of Europe
- Astraea
- Ben Jonson, 1615
- The Disenthralled
- The Poor Voter On Election Day
- The Dream Of Pio Nono
- The Voices
- The New Exodus
- The Conquest Of Finland
- The Eve Of Election
- From Perugia
- Italy
- Freedom In Brazil
- After Election
- Disarmament
- The Problem
- Our Country

John Wesley Holloway
- Fifty Years (1863-1913)
- Miss Melerlee
- Calling The Doctor
- The Corn Song

Joseph S. Cotter, Jr.
- Two-an'-six
- A Prayer
- And What Shall You Say?
- Is It Because I Am Black?
- The Band Of Gideon
- Rain Music

Joshua Henry Jones, Jr.
- Chaucer
- To A Skull
- Placido's Sonnet To His Mother
- Farewell To My Mother

Leslie Pinckney Hill
- Black Mammies
- Tuskegee
- Christmas At Melrose
- Summer Magic

Lucian B. Watkins
- The Big Bell In Zion
- Star Of Ethiopia
- Two Points Of View

Otto Leland Bohanan
- Negro Poets
- The Dawn's Awake!

Paul Laurence Dunbar
- A Negro Love Song
- Little Brown Baby
- Ships That Pass In The Night
- Lover's Lane
- The Debt
- The Haunted Oak
- When De Co'n Pone's Hot

R. Nathaniel Dett
- The Scarlet Woman

Ray G. Dandridge
- A Song Of Thanks
- Time To Die
- 'ittle Touzle Head
- Zalka Peetruza
- Sprin' Fevah

Roscoe C. Jamison
- Supplication

Theodore Henry Shackelford
- The Washer-woman

W.E. Burghardt Du Bois
- It Was Not Fate

Waverley Turner Carmichael
- The Rain Song
- Keep Me, Jesus, Keep Me

William H.A. Moore
- Hog Meat
- Dusk Song

William Stanley Braithwaite
- The Feet Of Judas
- Sandy Star And Willie Gee
- Sandy Star I
- Sandy Star Ii
- Sandy Star Iii
- Sandy Star Iv
- Sandy Star V
- Del Cascar
- Turn Me To My Yellow Leaves
- Ironic: Lld
- Scintilla
- Sic Vita