This deck is a trick deck wherein the backs of the cards used have a thick, non-slick surface. The cards are placed back to back in certain pairs. There a few rules in determining these pairs: * 1) Each pair adds up to 13 (9 and 4; 6 and 7; qu... Read more of Invisible Deck at Card Trick.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Outrunning The Devil


I went upon de mountain,
An' I seed de Devil comin'.
I retched an' got my hat an' coat,
An' I beat de Devil runnin'.

As I run'd down across de fiel',
A rattlesnake bit me on de heel.
I rears an' pitches an' does my bes',
An' I falls right back in a hornet's nes'.

For w'en I wus a sinnah man,
I rund by leaps an' boun's.
I wus afeard de Devil 'ould ketch me
Wid his ole three legged houn's.

But now I'se come a Christun,
I kneels right down an' prays,
An' den de Devil runs from me--
I'se tried dem other ways.

Next: How To Keep Or Kill The Devil

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