Annie Hawkins
Oklahoma Writers' Project
[Date stamp: AUG 16 1937]
Age 90
Colbert, Okla
I calls myself 90, but I don't know jest how old I really am but I was
a good sized gal when we moved from Georgia to Texas. We come on a big
boat and one night the stars fell. Talk about being scared! We all run
and hid and hollered and prayed. We thought the end of the world had
I never had no whitefolks that was good to me. We all worked jest like
dogs and had about half enough to eat and got whupped for everything.
Our days was a constant misery to us. I know lots of niggers that was
slaves had a good time but we never did. Seems hard that I can't say
anything good for any of 'em but I sho' can't. When I was small my job
was to tote cool water to the field to the hands. It kept me busy
going back and forth and I had to be sho' my old Mistress had a cool
drink when she wanted it, too. Mother and my sister and me worked in
the field all day and come in time to clear away the things and cook
supper. When we was through in the kitchen we would spin fer a long
time. Mother would spin and we would card.
My old Master was Dave Giles, the meanest man that ever lived. He
didn't have many slaves, my mammy, and me, and my sister, Uncle Bill,
and Truman. He had owned my grandma but he give her a bad whupping and
she never did git over it and died. We all done as much work as a
dozen niggers--we knowed we had to.
I seen old Master git mad at Truman and he buckled him down across a
barrel and whupped him till he cut the blood out of him and then he
rubbed salt and pepper in the raw places. It looked like Truman would
die it hurt so bad. I know that don't sound reasonable that a white
man in a Christian community would do such a thing but you can't
realize how heartless he was. People didn't know about it and we
dassent tell for we knowed he'd kill us if we did. You must remember
he owned us body and soul and they wasn't anything we could do about
it. Old Mistress and her three girls was mean to us too.
One time me and my sister was spinning and old Mistress went to the
well-house and she found a chicken snake and killed it. She brought it
back and she throwed it around my sister's neck. She jest laughed and
laughed about it. She thought it was a big joke.
Old Master stayed drunk all the time. I reckon that is the reason he
was so fetched mean. My, how we hated him! He finally killed hisself
drinking and I remember Old Mistress called us in to look at him in
his coffin. We all marched by him slow like and I jest happened to
look up and caught my sister's eye and we both jest natchelly
laughed--Why shouldn't we? We was glad he was dead. It's a good thing
we had our laugh fer old Mistress took us out and whupped us with a
broomstick. She didn't make us sorry though.
Old Master and Mistress lived in a nice big house on top of a hill and
us darkies lived in log cabins with log floors. Our dresses was made
out of coarse cloth like cotton sacking and and [TR: sic] it sho'
lasted a long time. It ort to been called mule-hide for it was about
that tough.
We went to church sometimes. They had to let us do that or folks would
have found out how mean they was to us. Old Master'd give us a pass to
show the patroller. We was glad to git the chance to git away and we
always went to church.
During the War we seen lots of soldiers. Some of them was Yankees and
some were Sesesh soldiers. My job every day was to take a big tray of
food and set it on a stump about a quarter of a mile from our house. I
done this twice a day and ever time I went back the dishes would be
empty. I never did see nobody and didn't nobody tell me why I was to
take the food up there but of course it was either for soliders [TR:
sic] that was scouting 'round or it may been for some lowdown dirty
bushwhacker, and again it might a been for some of old Master's folks
scouting 'round to keep out of the army.
We was the happiest folks in the world when we knowed we was free. We
couldn't realize it at first but how we did shout and cry for joy when
we did realize it. We was afraid to leave the place at first for fear
old Mistress would bring us back or the pateroller would git us. Old
Mistress died soon after the War and we didn't care either. She didn't
never do nothing to make us love her. We was jest as glad as when old
Master died. I don't know what become of the three gals. They was
about grown.
We moved away jest as far away as we could and I married soon after.
My husband died and I married again. I been married four times and all
my husbands died. The last time I married it was to a man that
belonged to a Indian man, Sam Love. He was a good owner and was one of
the best men that ever lived. My husband never did move far away from
him and he loved him like a father. He always looked after him till he
died. My husband has been dead five years.
I have had fifteen children. Four pairs of twins, and only four of
them are living. The good Lawd wouldn't let me keep them. I'se lived
through three wars so you see I'se no baby.
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