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Caroline Smith

From: Arkansas

Circumstances of Interview
NAME OF WORKER--Carol N. Graham
ADDRESS--Rear 456 West Main Street, El Dorado, Arkansas
DATE--November 1, 1938
[TR: Repetitive information deleted from subsequent pages.]

1. Name and address of informant--Caroline Smith, Route 1, El Dorado.
(Lives with Negroes by name of Green about 1 mile from Smith's Crossing)

2. Date and time of interview--November 1, 1938, Tuesday morning,

3. Place of interview--at the home of some Negroes named Green.

4. Name and address of person, if any, who put you in touch with
informant--Had previously talked with Caroline.

5. Name and address of person, if any, accompanying you--Mrs. Ethel
Depriest, 516 East Miles Street, El Dorado.

6. Description of room, house, surroundings, etc.--a typical Negro farm

Personal History of Informant

1. Ancestry--

2. Place and date of birth--Camden, Arkansas? No date.

3. Family--one child.

4. Places lived in, with dates--Camden and El Dorado. No dates.

5. Education, with dates--

6. Occupations and accomplishments, with dates--None

7. Special skills and interests--

8. Community and religious activities--

9. Description of informant--

10. Other points gained in interview--This slave old enough to remember
Civil War.

Text of Interview (Unedited)

"I first remembers living on the plantation of Mr. Jake Dumas near El
Dorado Landing. You know it's Calion now. We lived up towards Camden and
it was there that my ma and pa was married and buried. I was a big girl
durin' the war. My job was to card and spin. And I use to carry the
children to school. When I would get to the school I would put the
children off, git straddle and ride that horse home. When I would get
there old mos would say Ca'line did you run him? I'd say naw sir. Then
he'd say, 'Oh, Carryline put the horse in the lot and come out here. I'd
say, 'Master I didn't run that horse' but didn't do no good. He sure
would whip me. I'd get down and roll. I would stomp and he would do the
same. I wondered how he could tell I'd run that horse. But course he
could cause that horse had the thumps (heart beating rapidly).

"I remember seeing the soldiers come through during the war. They come
by droves stealing horses, setting the cotton on fire and taking sumpin
to eat, too.

"Yes, I does still member the songs we sung durin' the war but I've got
the asthmy and ain't got much wind fur singin'.

"You want to know the reason,
You want to know the reason,
You want to know the reason, I'll tell you why,
We'll whip them Yankees, whole hog or die."

"Hooray, Hooray, Hooray for the Southern Girl.
Hooray for the homespun dress the Southern ladies wear.
My homespun dress is plain I know,
I glory in its name;
Hooray for the homespun dress the Southern ladies wear."

"I've got the asthmy honey and jest caint sing no more.

"You asked 'bout my husband and chillun. I been married fo' times. My
first man's name was Dick Hagler, the next Frank Bibby, the next Henry
Harris and the last one was Tom Smith. That's where I get my name
Ca'line Smith. I never did have but one daughter but she had sixteen
chillun. She's daid now and mah granchillun is scattered.

"I got the asthmy an jes don' feel like talkin' no more. Long time ago
when I was sick master always had a doctor to me now I have to hire one.
And they always fed me good and clothed me but after I was free I would
go round and work around to git a little sumpin to eat."

Next: Caroline Smith

Previous: Andrew Smith

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