Clay Bobbit
North Carolina
N. C. District: No. 2 [320185]
Worker: Mary A. Hicks
No. Words: 459
Subject: Ex-Slave Story
Person Interviewed: Clay Bobbit
Editor: Daisy Bailey Waitt
[TR: Date Stamp "JUN 17 1937"]
An interview with Clay Bobbit, 100 of S. Harrington Street, Raleigh,
N. C., May 27, 1937.
I wuz borned May 2, 1837 in Warren County to Washington an' Delisia
Bobbit. Our Marster wuz named Richard Bobbit, but we all calls him Massa
Massa Dick ain't good ter us, an' on my arm hyar, jist above de elbow
am a big scar dis day whar he whupped me wid a cowhide. He ain't whupped
me fer nothin' 'cept dat I is a nigger. I had a whole heap of dem
whuppin's, mostly case I won't obey his orders an' I'se seed slaves beat
'most ter deff.
I wuz married onct 'fore de war by de broom stick ceremony, lak all de
rest of de slaves wuz but shucks dey sold away my wife 'fore we'd been
married a year an' den de war come on.
I had one brother, Henry who am wuckin' fer de city, an' one sister
what wuz named Deliah. She been daid dese many years now.
Massa Dick owned a powerful big plantation an' ober a hundert slaves,
an' we wucked on short rations an' went nigh naked. We ain't gone
swimmin' ner huntin' ner nothin' an' we ain't had no pleasures 'less we
runs away ter habe 'em. Eben when we sings we had ter turn down a pot in
front of de do' ter ketch de noise.
I knowed some pore white trash; our oberseer wuz one, an' de shim
shams[3] wuz also nigh 'bout also. We ain't had no use fer none of 'em
an' we shorely ain't carin' whe'her dey has no use fer us er not.
De Ku Kluxes ain't done nothin' fer us case dar ain't many in our
neighborhood. Yo' see de Yankees ain't come through dar, an' we is
skeerd of dem anyhow. De white folks said dat de Yankees would kill us
if'en dey ketched us.
I ain't knowed nothin' 'bout de Yankees, ner de surrender so I stays on
fer seberal months atter de wahr wuz ober, den I comes ter Raleigh an'
goes ter wuck fer de city. I wucks fer de city fer nigh on fifty years,
I reckon, an' jis' lately I retired.
I'se been sick fer 'bout four months an' on, de second day of May. De
day when I wuz a hundert years old I warn't able ter git ter de city
lot, but I got a lot uv presents.
Dis 'oman am my third lawful wife. I married her three years ago.[4]
[Footnote 3: Shim Sham, Free Issues or Negroes of mixed blood.]
[Footnote 4: The old man was too ill to walk out on the porch for his
picture, and his mind wandered too much to give a connected account of
his life.]
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