Emeline Stepney
[HW: Dist. 1
Ex-Slave 102]
[Date Stamp: MAY 8 1937]
Emeline Stepney, as she came into the office that July day, was a
perfect vignette from a past era. Over 90 years old, and unable to walk
without support, she was still quick witted and her speech, although
halting, was full of dry humor. Emeline was clad in a homespun dress
with high collar and long sleeves with wristbands. On her feet she wore
"old ladies' comforts." She was toothless and her hands were gnarled and
twisted from rheumatism and hard work.
Emeline's father, John Smith, had come from Virginia and belonged to
"Cap'n Tom Wilson." Her mother, Sally, "wuz a Georgia borned nigger" who
belonged to "Mars Shelton Terry." The two plantations near Greensboro,
in Greene County, were five miles apart and the father came to see his
family only on Wednesday and Saturday nights. The arrangement evidently
had no effect in the direction of birth control for Emeline was the
second of thirteen children.
Life on the Terry place was a fairly pleasant existence. The master was
an old bachelor and he had two old maid sisters, Miss Sarah and Miss
Rebecca. The plantation was in charge of two overseers who were
reasonably kind to the Negroes.
No crops of any kind were sold and consequently the plantation had to be
self-sustaining. Cotton was spun into clothing in the master's own
spinning room and the garments were worn by the master and slaves alike.
A small amount of flax was raised each year and from this the master's
two sisters made household linens. Food crops consisted of corn, wheat
(there was a mill on the plantation to grind these into flour and meal),
sweet potatoes, and peas. In the smoke house there was always plenty of
pork, beef, mutton, and kid. The wool from the sheep was made into
blankets and woolen garments.
The Terry household was not like other menages of the time. There were
only one or two house servants, the vast majority being employed in the
fields. Work began each morning at eight o'clock and was over at
sundown. No work was done on Saturday, the day being spent in
preparation for Sunday or in fishing, visiting, or "jes frolickin'". The
master frequently let them have dances in the yards on Saturday
afternoon. To supply the music they beat on tin buckets with sticks.
On Sunday the Negroes were allowed to attend the "white folks' church"
where a balcony was reserved for them. Some masters required their
"people" to go to church; but Emeline's master thought it a matter for
the individual to decide for himself.
Emeline was about 15 when her first suitor and future husband began to
come to see her. He came from a neighboring farm and had to have a pass
to show the "patty rollers" or else he would be whipped. He never stayed
at night even after they were married because he was afraid he might be
The slaves were never given any spending money. The men were allowed to
use tobacco and on rare occasions there was "toddy" for them. Emeline
declares SHE never used liquor and ascribes her long life partly to this
fact and partly to her belief in God.
She believes in signs but interprets them differently [HW: ?] from most
of her people. She believes that if a rooster crows he is simply
"crowin' to his crowd" or if a cow bellows it is "mos' likely bellowin'
fer water." If a person sneezes while eating she regards this as a sign
that the person is eating too fast or has a bad cold. She vigorously
denies that any of these omens foretells death. Some "fool nigger"
believe that an itching foot predicts a journey to a strange land; but
Emeline thinks it means that the foot needs washing.
Aunt Emeline has some remedies which she has found very effective in the
treatment of minor ailiments. Hoarhound tea and catnip tea are good for
colds and fever. Yellow root will cure sore throat and a tea made from
sheep droppings will make babies teethe easily. "I kin still tas'e dat
sassafras juice mammy used to give all de chilluns." She cackled as she
was led out the door.
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