Respected Sir,--On the twenty-seventh of February I was sent, on business connected with the stables at Maison Rouge, to the city of Metz. On the public promenade I met a magnificent woman. Complexion, blond. Nationality, English. We mutu... Read more of Addressed To The Advocate Who Defended Him At His Trial at Mystery Stories.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Georgina Giwbs

From: Virginia

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Interview of Mrs. Georgina Giwbs, Ex-slave
By--Thelma Dunston
Portsmouth, Virginia
January 15, 1937

Mrs. Georgina Giwbs, an ex-slave, resides at 707 Lindsey Avenue,
Portsmouth, Virginia. The old lady marveled at the great change that has
been made in the clothings, habits and living conditions of the Negro
since she was a child. She described the clothing of the slaves in a
calm manner, "All of de cloth during slavery time was made on de loom.
My mastah had three slaves who worked in de loom house. After de cloth
was made, mastah sent hit over town to a white woman who made hit in
clothes. We had to knit all our stockings and gloves. We'd plait blades
of wheat to make us bonnets. We had to wear wooden bottom shoes. Dere
won't no stores, so we growed everything we et, an' we'd make everything
we'd wear."

"We had a washing house. Dere wuz five women who done de washing an'
ironing. Dey had to make de soap. Dat wuz done by letting water drip
over oak ashes. Dis made oak ash lye, and dis wuz used in making soap.
After de clothes had soaked in dis lye-soap and water, dey put de
clothes on tables and beat 'em 'till dey wuz white."

"Mastah give us huts to live in. De beds wuz made of long boards dat wuz
nailed to de wall. De mattress wuz stuffed wif straw and pine tags. De
only light we had wuz from de fire-place. We didn't use no matches,
'stead we'd strick a rock on a piece of steel. We'd let the sparks fall
on some cotton."

"My mastah had 'bout five hundred slaves. He'd never sell none of his
slaves, but he'd always buy more. Dat keeps de slaves from marrying in
dere famblies. When yer married, yer had to jump over a broom three
times. Dat wuz de licence. Ef mastah seen two slaves together too much
he would marry them. Hit didn't make no difference ef yer won't but
fourteen years old."

"Work began at sun rise and last 'till sun down. When I wuz eight years
old, I started working in de field wif two paddles to keep de crows from
eatin' de crops. We had a half day off on Sunday, but you won't 'lowed
to visit. Sometimes de men slaves would put logs in de beds, and dey'd
cover 'em up, den dey go out. Mastah would see de logs and think dey wuz
de slaves."

"My father told me dere wuz once a mastah who sold a slave woman and her
son. Many years after dis, de woman married. One day when she wuz
washing her husband's back she seen a scar on his back. De woman
'membered de scar. It wuz de scar her mastah had put on her son. 'Course
dey didn't stay married, but de woman wouldn't ever let her son leave

Superstitions told by Mrs. Georgina Giwbs

1. "Ef a dog turns on his back and howls', 'tis a sign of death."

2. "Ef yer drops a dish rag on de floor and it spreads out, 'tis de sign
dat a hungry woman is gwine ter come to yer house. Ef de rag don't
spread out den a hungry man is a coming."

3. "Ef a black cat crosses yer path going to de right, 'tis good luck.
Ef de cat goes to de left 'tis bad luck."

4. "Ef a girl walks aroung wif one shoe off and one on, she'll stay
single as many years as de number of steps she taken."

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