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Gladys Robertson

From: Kentucky

(Gladys Robertson)

In this community most of the slaves were kept on farms and each family
was given a well constructed log house. They were fed by provisions
given them by their white masters and they were plentiful. They were
clothed by their masters. These clothes were made by the colored women
under the direction and supervision of their mistress, the white woman
cut the clothes for both men and women, and the colored women did the
sewing of the garments. The men did the manual labor on the farm and
the women the domestic. Each white woman and girl had a special servant
for her own use and care and each white man had his colored man or

There are no records of a big slave trade in this county. When a slave
was sold it was usually to a friend or neighbor and most masters were
very considerate and would not sell unless a family could go together.
For instance from the diary of Mrs. Wliza[TR: Eliza?] Magowan 1853-1871,
we read this: "Lina and two children Scott and Dulcina sold to J.
Wilkerson". Also another item: "Violet married to Dennie" showing that
care was taken that marriages were made among the negroes.

The darkies had suppers in their own quarters and had much merrymaking
and laughter.

Illness among the darkies were cared from among themselves but under the
watchful eye of the master and mistress.

The darkies were deeply religious and learned much of the Bible from
devout mistresses who felt it their holy duty to teach these ignorant
people the word of God. An extract from Mrs. Magowan's diary on July 25,
1856: "Old Aunt Becky was baptised on the 20th; she being upwards of 70
years of age. A considerable interest on the subject of religion is
manifest among the negroes, several have joined may they be kept by the
power of God unto Salvation. The redemption of the soul is precious".
This is quoted to show that the Negro was considered as a human being
and treated as such.

Also taken from Mrs. Magowan's diary: "Dove sold to Mr. Van Thompson. O
slavery, thorn art a bitter draught! tho' thousands have tasted of thee,
thou art none the less bitter."

The Underground Railroad did not run through this county. No slaves were
carried away on any such thing. The older people interviewed about this
say they do not believe such a railroad ever existed as it would be a
feat of engineering even in this day and time.

The rosters of the Independent company which Ge. John S. Williams
organized in this county and led to Mexico is in the possession of his
grandson Mr. John S.W. Hollaway, Winchester, Kentucky.

Mrs. Allie R. Robertson has in her possession the suit worn home from
the war, by her father Joe Arrasmith. He was in the company of Morgan's
men. It is made of coarse cotton and was in a most deplorable condition
when he came home.

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