Hannah Hancock
More Arkansas
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson
Person interviewed: Hannah Hancock
[HW: Biscoe, Arkansas?]
Age: Past 80
"I was born in Chesterfield County, South Carolina. My mother's name was
Chloa. We lived on Hardy Sellers plantation. She was the white folks
cook. I et in the white folks kitchen sometimes and sometimes wid the
other children at maw's house. Show my daddy was livin. But he lived on
another man's farms. His master's name was Billy Hancock and his name
was Dave. Der was a big family of us but dey all dead now but three of
us. Ize got two sisters and a brother still livin, I reckon. I ain't
seed them in a long time. Mrs. Sellers had several children but they
were all married when I come along and she was a widow. Joe Pete was her
son and he lived close, about a mile across the field, but it was
farther around the road. Billy Hancock married Mrs. Sellers daughter. My
mistress didn't do much. Miss Becky Hancock wove cloth for people. You
could get the warp ready and then run in the woof. She made checked
dresses and mingledy looking cloth. They colored the cloth brown and
purple mostly. Mrs. Sellers get a bolt of cloth and have it all made up
into dresses for the children. Sometimes all our family would have a
dress alike. Yesm, we did like dot. Granny made de dresses on her
fingers. She was too old to go to de field an she tote water from the
big spring and sometimes she water de hands when dey be hoeing. She
would cut and dry apples and peaches. Nobody knowed how to can. They
dried de beef. It show was good. It was jess fine. No maam, Granny
didn't have no patterns. She jess made our dresses lack come in her
haid. We didn't get many dresses and we was proud of em and washed and
ironed and took care of em.
"I recollects hearing de men talking about going off to war and em
going. No jess de white men left from Mrs. Sellers place. De children
didn't set around and hear all that was said. They sent us off to play
in the play houses. We swept a clean place and marked it off and had our
dolls down there. We put in anything we could get, mostly broken dishes.
Yes maam, I had rag dolls and several of them. No wars real close but I
could hear the guns sometimes.
"Mrs. Sellers had two large carriage horses. The colored boys took them
down in the bottoms and took off a lot of the meat and groceries and hid
them 'fo the Yankees come along. They didn't nebber fin them things.
Mrs. Sellers was awful good and the men jess looked after her and took
care of her. Me or maw stayed at the house with her all the time, day
and night. When anybody got sick she sent somebody to wait on them and
went to see what they needed and sometimes she had 'em brought up to the
house and give 'em the medicine herself. She didn't have no foman. Uncle
Sam and uncle John was the oldest and uncle Henry. They was the men on
the farm and they went right on with the work. Folks had bigger families
than they do now. They show did work, but de field work don't last all
de time. They cleared land and fixed up the rail fences in the winter.
A rail fence was on each side of a long lane that led down to the
pasture. The creek run through the pasture. It was show a pretty grove.
Had corn shuckings when it was cold. We played base down there. We
always had meat and plenty milk, collards and potatoes. Old missus would
drip a barrel of ashes and make corn hominy in the wash pot nearly every
week and we made all the soap we ever did see. If you banked the sweet
potatoes they wouldn't rot and that's where the seed come from in the
spring. In the garden there was an end left to go to seed. That is the
way people had any seed. Times show have changed. I can't tell what to
think. They ain't no more like than if they was another kind of folks.
So much different. I jess look and live. I think they ought to listen to
what you say. Say anything to them they say 'Kaint run my business.' I
don't know if they spected anything from freedom. Seemed like they
thought they wouldn't have to work if dey was free and dey wouldn't have
no boss. Missus let a lot of her land grow up in pine trees. Said she
had no money to pay people to work for her. Some of de families staid
on. My maw and paw went on a farm on share not far from Mrs. Sellers.
When she was going to have company or she got sick she sent for my maw.
My maw washed and ironed for her till they moved plum off. They said
somebody told them it was freedom. When dey picked up and moved off de
missus show didn't give em nothing. They didn't vote. They didn't know
how. I heard a lot about the Ku Klux Klan but I wasn't scared. I never
did see none.
"De younger generation jess lives today and don't know what he'll do
tomorrow or where he'll be. I ain't never voted and I don't know if my
boys do or not.
"I never heard of uprisings. De paddyroll was to see after dot and Mrs.
Sellers didn't have none. Uncle Sam and uncle John made em mind.
"Sing--I say dey did sing. Sing about the cooking and about the milking
and sing in de field.
"I never did see nobody sold. But I heard them talk about selling em.
They took em off to sell em. That was the worst part about slavery. The
families was broke up. I never lived nowhere 'cept in South Carolina and
Prairie County (Arkansas). My folks come here and they kept writing for
me to come, and I come on the train. Mrs. Sellers son, Joe Sellers,
killed himself, shot himself, one Sunday evening. Didn't know how come
he done it. I was too little to know what they expected from the war.
The colored folks didn't have nothing to do with it 'cept they expected
to get freed. A heap of people went to the cities, some of them died.
After freedom things got pretty scarce to eat and there was no money. I
worked as a house girl, tended to the children, brushed the flies off
the table and the baby when it slept and swept the house and the yard
too. After I come here (to Arkansas) I married and I worked on the
farms. We share cropped. I raised my children, had chickens, geese, a
cow and hogs. When the cotton was sold we got some of it. Yes maam, I
show had rether be out there if I could jess work. We lived on Mr. Dick
Small's place till he sold out. We come to town a year and went back and
made enough in one year to buy dis place. It cost $300. Jess my two sons
and me. The others were married. My husband died on the farm. I come in
town and done one or two washings a week. Yes maam I walked here and
back. That kept me in a little money. It was about two miles. I washed
for Mr. L. Hall and part of the time for Mrs. Kate Hazen. I guess they
treated us right about the crop settlement. We thought they did. We
knowed how much was made and how much we got. The cheatin come at the
stores where the trading was done.
"I lives with my son and his wife. Sometimes I do my cooking and
sometimes I eat in there. I get $8.00 from the RFC and prunes, rice, and
a little dried milk. I buys my meal and sugar and lard and little
groceries with the money. It don't buy what I used to have on the farm.
"I don't remember much about the war. I was so little. I heard them talk
a lot about it and the way they killed folks. I thought it was awful. My
hardest time is since I got old and can't work."
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