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Harriet Eddington

From: South Carolina

"I was born in the town of Newberry, and was a servant of Major John P.
Kinard. I married Sam Eddington. I was a Baker, daughter of Mike and
Patience Baker. My mother was a free woman. She had her freedom before
the war started; so I was not a slave. I worked on the farm with my
mother when she moved back from town. Mama worked in town at hotels;
then went back to the country and died. In war time and slavery time, we
didn't go to school, 'cause there was no schools for the negroes. After
the war was over and everything was settled, negro schools was started.
We had a church after the war. I used to go to the white folks' Lutheran
church and set in the gallery. On Saturday afternoons we was off, and
could do anything we wanted to do, but some of the negroes had to work
on Saturdays. In the country, my mother would card, spin, and weave, and
I learned it. I could do lots of it."

=Source:= Harriet Eddington (86), Newberry, S.C.
Interviewer: G.L. Summer, Newberry, S.C. May 20, 1937.

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