There is at present living in the neighbourhood of --- an old lady, about seventy years of age. Her maiden name is ---, {140} and she is a native of Braemar, but left that district when about twenty years old, and has never been back to it eve... Read more of Concerning The Murder Of Sergeant Davies at Scary Stories.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Isom Roberts

From: South Carolina

=Project #1655=
=Henry Grant,=
=Columbia, S.C.=



Isom Roberts rents one room at 1226 Waverly Street, Columbia, S.C., and
lives alone. However frail he appears, he is able to support himself by
working in the yards about the city.

"Well, sir, white folks, I is eighty years old, or leastwise I is so
close to it, dat it don't make much difference. But even if I is dat
old, it don't seem so long since I was a little boy. Years flies by
mighty fas' to old folks, 'cause deir 'memberance is shorter, while
young folks 'members everything, and in dat way months and years drags
'long slower to them.

"I was a very small boy when de Civil War was gwine on. It seems like I
knows all 'bout Sherman's army comin' through dis State, a burnin'
Columbia and destroyin' and takin' away everything what folks had. I has
heard so much 'bout slavery and all them times, from my mammy and daddy,
dat it 'pears to me dat I 'sperienced it all. I 'spects knowin' 'bout
things is just 'bout as good and true as seein' them. Don't you?

"My daddy and mammy b'long to Marster Sam Louie, who had a big
plantation over in Calhoun County. He had 'bout fifty or more grown
slaves, 'sides many chillun of de slaves. Old marster was a good farmer;
raised big crops and saved what he made. He sho' was a fine business man
but he was mighty hard on everybody he had anything to do wid. He told
his slaves to work hard and make him a heap of money and that he would
keep it, in case of hard times. Times was all de time hard wid old
marster but de niggers never got no money. When news spread 'round dat
de Yankees was comin' to free de niggers, he called all de slaves up in
de yard and showed them a big sack of money, what they had made for
him, and told them dat he was gwine to kill all of them befo' de Yankees
set them free and that they wouldn't need no money after they was done
dead. All de slaves was mighty sad and troubled, all dat day, when old
marster made dat speech to them. But somethin' happened. It most makes
me tremble to talk to you 'bout it now. Providence, or some kind of
mercy spirit, was sho' walkin' 'round dat plantation dat night. Sometime
in de night it was whispered 'round amongst de slaves dat old marster
done took de smallpoxes and was mighty sick. Mammy said he must have
been terrible sick, 'cause they buried him two days after dat.

"After old marster flew away, everything was different on de plantation.
Miss Nancy, dat was old marster's wife, told de slaves dat when de
Yankees freed them, they could stay right there and work on shares or by
the day, which ever way they wanted. Many stayed on de plantation after
freedom while others went away. Me and my folks stayed on wid Miss Nancy
until she die. Then us moved on another plantation in de lower side of
de county. I stayed dere until my wife died, seventeen years ago.

"Does I 'member anything 'bout how de slaves was treated in slavery
time? Well, I 'members a little myself and a heap of what others told
me. Wid dis I has done told you, I believes I want to stop right dere. A
low fence is easier to git over than a high one. Say little and you
ain't gwine to have a heap to 'splain hereafter. Dere is a plenty of
persons dat has lost deir heads by not lettin' deir tongues rest.
Marster Sam Louie is dead now. He can't disturb nobody in his grave. He
had his faults and done many things wrong but show me dat person what
don't mis-step sometimes. All of us, both white and black, is prone to
step aside now and then. To tell de truth, old marster never knowed what
Sunday was. Everybody on de plantation worked on dat day as same as any
other day.

"But Boss, if my old marster was rough and hard and break de Sabbath and
all dat, he was no worser than what young white folks and niggers is
dese days. You can see them any time, floppin' 'bout in dese
automobiles, a drinkin' and a carryin' on. Sich stuff is abomination in
de sight of a decent person, much less dat One up yonder. (He pointed

"I's gwine to tell you boss, dat slavery time was better for de average
nigger than what they is gittin' now. Folks say dat slavery was wrong
and I 'spose it was, but to be poor like a heap of niggers is now, is de
worse thing dat has ever come upon them, I thinks. Dis gittin' something
wrong, ain't right. De North had no business sellin' niggers to de South
and de South had no business buyin' them from de North and makin' slaves
of them. Everything went on pretty nice for awhile, then de North got
jealous of de South and de South got 'spicious of de North. I believes
dat if you can't go over and you can't go under, then you should try to
go 'round. If de big men up North and here in de South had been good
'nough and smart 'nough, they might could a gone 'round dat terrible
Civil War. I believes dat.

"I marry Lucy Nelson when I was 'bout thirty years old. She was a bright
skin nigger, much brighter than I is. She was high tempered and high
spirited, too. She was sho' smart, and de best cook I has ever seen.
Just plain corn bread, dat she cooked in de hot ashes of de fireplace,
taste sweeter and better than de cake you buy now. But de least thing
would git her temper 'roused. I has knowed her to complain wid de old
hound dog us had, 'cause he didn't run some rabbits out de woods for me
to shoot. Fuss wid de cats, 'cause they didn't ketch de mouses in de
house. Quarrel wid de hens, 'cause they eat, cackled, scratched and
wallowed holes in de yard and wouldn't lay. Told de old rooster many
times dat she was gwine to chop his head off if he didn't crow sooner
and louder of mornin's and wake me up so I could go to work. All dis
sounds foolish I knows but you see how bent my back is. Well, I 'spects
it was bent from totin' so many buckets of water from de spring for her
to wash wid soon of mornin's, so I could then do a day's work.

"My wife thought she was doin' right by workin' like she did. She
thought dat she was helpin' me make a livin' for our big family of eight
chillun. Yes sir, I knows now she was right, but hard work broke her
health and brought her to her bed where she lingered 'bout one year and
then she went away from me. All dis took place seventeen years ago and,
from then to dis, I ain't seen no woman I would have for a wife, 'cause
I ain't gwine to find no woman Lucy's equal. All my chillun are dead,
'cept two, and I don't know where they is.

"Does poor folks have any blessings and pleasure? Well, yes sir, in a
way. You see they don't have no worriments over what they has, like rich
folks. They can sleep as hot as they want to in de summer time and raise
as big families as anybody. Sho', poor folks, and especially niggers,
has a good time on hog-killin' days. In early summer come them juicy
brierberries dat they enjoy so much. They last until watermelon season.
Then they has 'possum and 'tators in de fall. Most all livin' beings has
deir own way of doin' things and deir way of existin'. De hog roots for
his, de squirrel climbs for his, de chickens scratches for deirs, and de
nigger, well, if dere ain't nobody lookin', I reckon they could slip
deirs right handy.

"I sho' has enjoyed talkin' to you dis evening and now, if you will
'scuse me, I's gwine home and cook me a pot of turnips. I can almost
taste them now, I is so hungry."

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