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Jerry Hinton

From: North Carolina

N. C. District: No. 2 [320218]
Worker: T. Pat Matthews
No. Words: 997
Person Interviewed: Jerry Hinton
Editor: Daisy Bailey Waitt

[TR: No Date Stamp]


My full name is Jerry Hinton. I wus borned in February, 1855. I am not
able ter work. I work all I can. I am trying ter do de best I can ter
help myself. Yes, just tryin' ter do sumpin, ain't able ter work much. I
am ruptured, an' old. My old house looks 'bout old as I do, it's 'bout
to fall down, ain't able ter fix it up. It needs repairing. I ain't able
ter make no repairs.

I wus born on a plantation in Wake County. My master wus Richard
Seawell, an' Missus wus named Adelaide. His plantation wus on Neuse
River. He had two plantations, but I wus a little boy, an' don't
remember how many acres in de plantation or how many slaves. There wus a
lot of 'em tho'. I would follow master 'round an' look up in his face so
he would give me biscuit an' good things ter eat.

My mother, before marriage, wus named Silvia Seawell, an' father wus
named Andrew Hinton. Atter they wus married mother went by the name of
Hinton, my father's family name. I had--I don't know--mos' anything wus
good ter me. Master brought me biscuit an' I thought that wus the
greatest thing at all. Yes, I got purty good food. Our clothes wus not
fine, but warm. I went barefooted mos' o' the time, an' in summer I went
in my shirt tail.

Dey called de slave houses 'quarters', de house where de overseer lived
wus de 'Overseer's House'. Master had a overseer to look atter his men;
De overseer wus named Bridgers. De house where Master lived wus de
'Great House'.

Dey would not allow us any books. I cannot read an' write. I have seen
de patterollers, but I neber saw' em whip nobody; but I saw' em lookin'
fer somebody ter whup. I've neber seen a slave sold. I've neber seen a
jail fer slaves or slaves in chains. I have seen master whup slaves
though. I wus neber whupped. Dey wrung my ears an' pulled my nose to
punish me.

Dere wus no churches on de plantation, but we had prayer meetin's in our
homes. We went to de white folks church. My father used to take me by de
hand an' carry me ter church. Daddy belonged ter de Iron Side Baptist
Church. We called our fathers 'daddy' in slavery time. Dey would not let
slaves call deir fathers 'father'. Dey called 'em 'daddy', an' white
children called deir father, 'Pa'. I didn't work any in slavery time,
'cept feed pigs, an' do things fer my master; waited on him. I went
'round wid him a lot, an' I had rather see him come on de plantation
any time dan to see my daddy. I do not remember any possums or other
game being eaten at our house. I do not remember eber goin' a-fishin
durin' slavery time.

Master had two boys ter go off ter de war. Dey carried 'em off ter de
war. I don't know how many children dey had, but I remember two of 'em
goin' off ter de war. Don't know what became of 'em.

I shore remember de Yankees. Yes sir, Ha! ha! I shore remember dem. Dem
Yankees tore down an' drug out ever'thing, dey come across. Dey killed
hogs, an' chickens. Dey took only part of a hog an' lef' de rest. Dey
shot cows, an' sometimes jest cut off de hind quarters an' lef de rest.
Dey knocked de heads out o' de barrels o' molasses. Dey took horses,
cows an' eber'thing, but they did not hurt any o' de children. Dey wus
folks dat would tear down things.

Atter de surrender my mother moved over on de plantation where my father
stayed. We stayed dere a long time, an' den we moved back to Richard
Seawell's, old master's plantation, stayin' dere a long time. Den we
moved to Jessie Taylor's place below Raleigh between Crabtree Creek an'
Neuse River. When we lef' Taylor's we moved ter Banner Dam northeast of
Raleigh near Boone's Pond. Mother an' father both died dere. Atter
leaving dere I come here. I have lived in Oberlin ebery since. Guess
I'll die here; if I can git de money to pay my taxes, I know I will die

I think slavery wus good because I wus treated all right. I think I am
'bout as much a slave now as ever.

I don't think any too much o' Abraham Lincoln, Jeff Davis or any o' dem
men. Don't know much 'bout 'em. Guess Mr. Roosevelt is all right. 'Bout
half the folks both black an' white is slaves an' don't know it. When I
wus a slave I had nothin' on me, no responsibility on any of us, only to
work. Didn't have no taxes to pay, neber had to think whur de next meal
wus comin' from.

Dis country is in a bad fix. Looks like sumptin got to be done someway
or people, a lot of 'em, are goin' to parish to death. Times are hard,
an' dey is gettin' worse. Don't know how I am goin' to make it, if I
don't git some help. We been prayin' fer rain. Crops are done injured,
but maybe de Lawd will help us. Yes, I trust in de Lawd.

I been married twice. I married Henritta Nunn first, an' den Henritta
Jones. I had three children by first marriage, an' none b [HW: y] second
marriage. My wife is over seventy years old. We have a hard time making
enough to git a little sumptin to eat. I wus mighty glad to see you
when you come up dis mornin', an' I hopes what I have told you will help
some one to know how bad we need help. I feels de Lawd will open up de
way. Yes sir, I do.


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