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Sara Brown

From: South Carolina

Code No. ----
Project. 1885-(1)
Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis
Place, Marion, S. C.
Date, July 8, 1937
No. Words ----
Reduced From ---- words
Rewritten by ----

Ex-Slave, 85 years

"Oh, my God, de doctors have me in slavery time. Been here de startin of
de first war. I belong to de Cusaac dat live 15 miles low Florence on de
road what take you on to Georgetown. I recollects de Yankees come dere
in de month of June en free de colored peoples."

"My white folks give me to de doctors in dem days to try en learn me for
a nurse. Don' know exactly how old I was in dat day en time, but I can
tell you what I done. My Lord, child, can' tell dat. Couldn' never tell
how many baby I bring in dis world, dey come so fast. I betcha I got
more den dat big square down dere to de courthouse full of em. I nurse
13 head of chillun in one family right here in dis town. You see dat all
I ever did have to do. Was learnt to do dat. De doctor tell me, say,
when you call to a 'oman, don' you never hesitate to go en help her en
you save dat baby en dat mother both. Dat what I is always try to do.
Heap of de time just go en let em pay me by de chance. Oh, my Lord, a
'oman birth one of dem babies here bout two weeks ago wid one of dem
veil over it face. De Lord know what make dat, I don', but dem kind of
baby sho wiser den de other kind of baby. Dat thing look just like a
thin skin dat stretch over da baby face en come down low it's chin. Have
to take en pull it back over it's forehead en den de baby can see en
holler all it ever want to. My blessed, honey, wish I had many a dollar
as I see veil over baby face. Sho know all bout dem kind of things."

"Oh, honey, I tell you de people bless dis day en time. Don' know nothin
bout how to be thankful enough for what dey have dese days. I tell de
truth de peoples sho had to scratch bout en make what dey had in slavery
time. Baby, dey plant patches of okra en parch dat en make what coffee
dey have. Den dey couldn' get no shoes like dey hab dese days neither.
Just make em out of de hide of dey own cows dat dey butcher right dere
on de plantation. Coase de peoples had plenty sometin to eat like meat
en turkey en chicken en thing like dat. Oh, my God, couldn' see de top
of de smoke house for all de heap of meat dey have in dem times. En milk
en butter, honey, dey didn' never be widout plenty of dat. De peoples
bout here dese days axes ten cents a quart for sweet milk en five cents
a quart for old sour clabber. What you think bout dat? Dat how-come
people have to hunt jobs so mucha dese days. Have to do some sorta work
cause you know dey got to put sometin in dey mouth somewhe' or another.
Oh, my child, slavery days was troublesome times. Sugar en salt never
run free wid de peoples den neither. I know de day been here when salt
was so scarce dat dey had to go to de seashore en get what salt dey had.
I gwine to tell you all bout dat. Dey hitch up two horses to a wagon en
den dey make another horse go in front of de wagon to rest de other
horses long de way. Dey mostly go bout on a Monday en stay three days.
Boil dat salty water down dere en fetch two en three of dem barrel of
salt back wid em dey get dat way. It was just like dis, it take heap of
salt when dey had dem big hog-killin days. En de sugar, dey make dat
too. Made de sugar in lil blocks dat dey freeze just like dey freeze ice
dis day en time. I know dey do dat--know it. Dey make molasses en some
of it would be lighter den de other en dey freeze dat en make de
prettiest lil squares just like de ice you see dese days. Dey have
sometin to freeze it in. Dis here old black mammy know heap of things
you ain' never hear bout. Oh, baby, de peoples sho bless dese days."

"Oh, my god, de colored peoples worship to de white folks church in
slavery time. You know dat Hopewell Church over de river dere, dat a
slavery church. Dat whe' I go to church den wid my white folks. I had a
lil chair wid a cowhide bottom dat I always take everywhe' I go wid me.
If I went to church, dat chair go in de carriage wid me en den I take it
in de church en set right by de side of my Miss. Dat how it was in
slavery time. Oh, my Lord, dere a big slavery people graveyard dere to
dat Hopewell Church."

"Honey, you mind if I smoke my pipe a lil whilst I settin here talkin
wid you. I worry so much wid dis high blood dese days en a ringin in my
ears dat my pipe de only thing dat does seem to satisfy my soul. I tell
you dat high blood a bad thing. It get such a hold on me awhile back dat
I couldn' do nothin, couldn' pick cotton, couldn' say my--me, couldn'
even say, God a mighty--thing pretty. Oh, I don' know. I start smokin
pipe long time ago when I first start nursin babies. Had to do sometin
like dat den."

"No, Lord, I never believe nothin bout dat but what God put here. I hear
some people say dey was conjure, but I don' pay no attention to dey
talk. Dey say somebody poison em for sometin dey do, but dere ain'
nobody do dat. God gwine to put you down when he get ready. Ain' nobody
else do dat."

"Oh, my Lord, I been here a time. I sho been here a time en I thank de
Lord I here dis day en time. I can thread my needle good as ever I could
en I ain' have no speck neither. Sew night en day. De chillun have dey
lamp dere studyin en I hab my lamp dere sewin. My old Miss learnt me to
sew when I stay right in de house wid her all de time. I stay bout white
folks all my life en dat how-come I so satisfy when I wid em."

Source: Mom Sara Brown, age 85, ex-slave, Marion, S. C.
Personal interview, June 1937.

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