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Solomon Lambert

From: Arkansas

Name of Interviewer: Irene Robertson.
Person interviewed: Solomon Lambert,
Holly Grove, Ark., R.F.D.
Age: 89

"My parents belong to Jordon and Judy Lambert. They (the Jordon
family) had a big family. They never was sold. I heard 'em say that.
They hired their slaves out. Some was hired fer a year. From New Year
day to next New Year day. That was a busy day. That was the day to set
in workin' overseers and ridin' bosses set in on New Year day. My
parents' name was Fannie and Ben Lambert. They had eight children.

"How did they marry? They say they jump the broomstick together! But
they had brush brooms so I reckon that whut they jumped. Think the
moster and mistress jes havin' a little fun outen it then. The brooms
the sweep the floor was sage grass cured like hay. It grows four or
five feet tall. They wrap it with string and use that for a handle.

his moster then ask her moster. If they agree it be all right. One of
'em would 'nounce it 'fore all the rest of the folks up at the house
and some times they have ale and cake. If the man want a girl and ther
be another man on that place wanted a wife the mosters would swop the
women mostly. Then one announce they married. That what they call a
double weddin'. Some got passes go see their wife and family 'bout
every Sunday and some other times like Fourth er July. They have a
week ob rest when they lay by the crops and have some time not so busy
to visit Christmas.

"I never seen no Ku Klux. There was Jay Hawkers. They was folks on
neither side jess goin' round, robbin' and stealin', money, silver,
stock or anything else they wanted. We had a prutty good time we have
all the hands on our place at some house and dance. We made our music.
Music is natur'l wid our color. They most all had a juice (Jew's)
harp. They make the fiddle and banjo. White folks had big times too.
They had mo big gatherins than they have now. They send me to Indian
Bay once or twice a week to get the mail. I had no money. They give my
father little money long and give him some 'bout Christmas. White
folks send their darkies wid a order to buy things. I never seen a big
town till I started on that run to Texas. They took the men 450 miles
to Indian Nation to make a crop. We went in May and came back in
October. They hired us out. Mr. Jo Lambert and Mr. Beasley took us.
One of 'em come back and got us. That kept us from goin' to war. They
left the women, children and old men, too old fer war.

"How'd I know 'bout war? That was the big thing they talk 'bout. See
'em. The first I seen was when I was shuckin' corn at the corn pin
(crib) a man come up in gray clothes. (He was a spy). The way he talk
you think he a southern man 'cept his speech was hard and short. I
noticed that to begin wid. They thought other rebels in the corn pin
but they wasn't. Wasn't nobody out there but me. Then here come a man
in blue uniform. After while here come the regiment. It did scare me.
Bob and Tom (white boys) Lambert gone to war then. They fooled round a
while then they galloped off. I show was glad when the last man rid

Moster Lambert then hid the slaves in the bottoms. We carried
provisions and they sent more'long. We stay two or three days or a
week when they hear a regiment comin' through or hear 'bout a scoutin
gang comin' through. They would come one road and go back another
road. We didn't care if they hid us. We hear the guns. We didn't
wanter go down there. That was white man's war. In 1862 and 1863 they
slipped off every man and one woman to Helena. I was yokin' up oxen.
Man come up in rebel clothes. He was a spy. I thought I was gone then
but and a guard whut I didn't see till he left went on. I dodged round
till one day I had to get off to mill. The Yankees run up on me and
took me on. I was fifteen years old. I was mustered in August and let
out in 1864 when it was over. I was in the Yankee army 14 months. They
told me when I left I made a good soldier. I was with the standing
army at Helena. They had a battle before I went in. I heard them say.
You could tell that from the roar and cannons. They had it when I was
in Texas. I wasn't in a battle. The Yankees begin to get slim then
they made the darkies fill up and put them in front. I heard 'em say
they had one mighty big battle at Helena. I had to drill and guard the
camps and guard at the pickets (roads into Helena). They never let me
go scoutin'. I walked home from the army. I was glad to get out. I
expected to get shot 'bout all the time. I aint seen but mighty little
difference since freedom. I went back and stayed 45 years on the
Lambert place. I moved to Duncan. Moster died foe the Civil War. Some
men raised dogs-hounds. If something got wrong they go get the dogs
and use 'em. If some of the slaves try to run off they hunt them with
the dogs. It was a big loss when a hand run off they couldn't ford
that thing. They whoop 'em mostly fer stealin'. They trust 'em in
everything then they whoop 'em if they steal. They know it wrong.
Course they did. The worse thing I ever seen in slavery was when we
went to Texas we camped close to Camden. Camden, Arkansas! On the way
down there we passed by a big house, some kind. I seen mighty little
of it but a big yard was pailened in. It was tall and fixed so they
couldn't get out. They opened the big gate and let us see. It was full
of darkies. All sizes. All ages. That was a Nigger Trader Yard the
worst thing I ever seen or heard tell of in my life. I heard 'em say
they would cry 'em off certain times but you could buy one or two any
time jes by agreement. I nearly fell out wid slavery then. I studied
'bout that heap since then. I never seen no cruelty if a man work and
do right on my moster's place he be honored by both black and white.
Foe moster died I was 9 year old, I heard him say I valued at $900.00.
I never was sold.

"When I was small I minded the calves when they milk, pick up chips to
dry fer to start fires, then I picked up nuts, helped feed the stock,
learned all I could how to do things 'bout the place. We thought we
owned the place. I was happy as a bird. I didn't know no better than
it was mine. All the home I ever knowed. I tell you it was a good
home. Good as ever had since. It was thiser way yo mama's home is your
home. Well my moster's home was my home like dat.

"We et up at the house in the kitchen. We eat at the darkey houses. It
make no diffurence--one house clean as the other. It haft to be so.
They would whoop you foe your nasty habits quick as anything and
quicker. Had plenty clothes and plenty to eat. Folk's clothes made
outer more lastin' cloth than now. They last longer and didn't always
be gettin' more new ones. They washed down at the spring. The little
darkies get in (tubs) soon as they hang out the clothes on the ropes
and bushes. The suds be warm, little darkies race to get washed. Folks
raced to get through jobs then and have fun all time.

"Foe I jined the Yankees I had hoed and I had picked cotton. Moster
Lambert didn't work the little darkies hard to to stunt them. See how
big I am? I been well cared fur and done a sight er work if it piled
up so it could be seen.

(Solomon Lambert is a large well proportioned negro.) In 1870 the
railroad come in here by Holly Grove. That the first I ever seen. The
first cars. They was small.

"I never knowd I oughter recollect what all they talked but she said
they both (mother and father) come from Kentucky to Tennessee, then to
Arkansas in wagons and on boats too I recken. The Lamberts brought
them from Kentucky. For show I can't tell you no more 'bout them. I
heard 'em say they landed at the Bay (Indian Bay).

"Fine reports went out if you jin the army whut all you would get. I
didn't want to be there. I know whut I get soon as ever I got way from
them. Course I was goin' back. I had no other place to go. The
government give out rations at Indian Bay after the war. I didn't need
none. I got plenty to eat. Two or three of us colored folks paid Mr.
Lowe $1.00 a month to teach us at night. We learned to read and
calculate better. I learned to write. We stuck to it right smart

"I been married twice. Joe Yancey (white) married me to my first wife
at the white folks house. The last time Joe Lambert (white) married me
in the church. I had 2 boys they dead now and 1 girl. She is living.

During slavery I had a cart I drove a little mule to. I took a barrel
of water to the field. I got it at the well. I put it close by in the
shade of a tree. Trees was plentiful! Then I took the breakfast and
dinner in my cart. I done whatever come to my lot in Indian Nation.
After the war I made a plowhand. "Say there, from 1864 to 1937 Sol
Lambert farmed." Course I hauled and cut wood, but my job is farmin'.
I share croppe. I worked fer 1/3 and 1/4 and I have rented. Farmin' is
my talent. That whar all the darkey belong. He is made so. He can
stand the sun and he needs meat to eat. That is where the meat grows.

"I got chickens and a garden. I didn't get the pigs I spoke fer. I got
a fine cow. I got a house--10-1/2 acres of ground. That is all I can
look after. I caint get 'bout much. I rid on a wagon (to town) my mare
is sick I wouldn't work her. I got a buggy. Good nough fer my ridin' I
don't come to town much. I never did.

I get a Federal soldier's pension. I tell you 'bout it. White folks
tole me 'bout it and hope me see 'bout gettin' it. I'm mighty proud of
it. It is a good support for me in my old helpless days. I'm mighty
thankful for it. I'm glad you sent me word to come here I love to help
folks. They so good to me.

"I vote a Republican ticket. I don't vote. I did vote when I was 21
years old. It was stylish then and I voted some since then along. I
don't bother with votin' and I don't know nuthin 'bout how it is done
now. I tried to run my farm and let them hired run the governmint. I
knowed my job like he knowed his job.

I come back to tell you one other thing. My Captain was Edward

"I told you all I know 'bout slavery less you ask me 'bout somethin' I
might answer: We ask if we could go to white church and they tell us
they wanted certain ones to go today so they could fix up. It was
after the war new churches and schools sprung up. Not fast then.

Prices of slaves run from $1600 to $2000 fer grown to middle age. Old
ones sold low, so did young ones. $1600 was a slow bid. That is whut I

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