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Tw Cotton

From: More Arkansas

Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson
Person interviewed: T.W. Cotton, Helena, Arkansas
Age: 80
[May 11 1938]

"I was born close to Indian Bay. I belong to Ed Cotton. Mother was sold
from John Mason between Petersburg and Richmond, Virginia. Three sisters
was sold and they give grandma and my sister in the trade. Grandma was
so old she wasn't much account fer field work. Mother left a son she
never seen ag'in. Aunt Adeline's boy come too. They was put on a block
but I can't recollect where it was. If mother had a husband she never
said nothing 'bout him. He muster been dead.

"Now my papa come from La Grange, Tennessee. Master Bowers sold him to
Ed Cotton. He was sold three times. He had one scar on his shoulder. The
patrollers hit him as he went over the fence down at Indian Bay. He was
a Guinea man. He was heavy set, not very tall. Generally he carried the
lead row in the field. He was a good worker. They had to be quiet wid
him to get him to work. He would run to the woods. He was a fast runner.
He lived to be about a hundred years old. I took keer of him the last
five years of his life. Mother was seventy-one years old when she died.
She was the mother of twenty-one children.

"Sure, I do remember freedom. After the Civil War ended, Ed Cotton
walked out and told papa: 'Rob, you are free.' We worked on till 1866
and we moved to Joe Lambert's place. He had a brother named Tom Lambert.
Father never got no land at freedom. He got to own 160 acres, a house on
it, and some stock. We all worked and helped him to make it. He was a
hard worker and a fast hand.

"I farmed all my life till fifteen years ago I started trucking here in
Helena. I gets six dollars assistance from the Sociable Welfare and some
little helpouts as I calls it--rice and potatoes and apples. I got one
boy fifty-five years old if he be living. I haven't seen him since 1916.
He left and went to Chicago. I got a girl in St. Louis. I got a girl
here in Helena. I jus' been up to see her. I had nine children. I been
married twice. I lived with my first wife thirteen years and seven
months. She died. I lived with my second wife forty years and some
over--several weeks. She died.

"I was a small boy when the Civil War broke out. Once I got a awful
scare. I was perched up on a post. The Yankees come up back of the house
and to my back. I seen them. I yelled out, 'Yonder come Yankees.' They
come on cussing me. Aunt Ruthie got me under my arms and took me to Miss
Fannie Cotton. We lived in part of their house. Walter (white) and me
slept together. Mother cooked. Aunt Ruthie was a field hand. Aunt
Adeline must have been a field hand too. She hung herself on a black
jack tree on the other side of the pool. It was a pool for ducks and

"She hung herself to keep from getting a whooping. Mother raised
(reared) her boy. She told mother she would kill herself before she
would be whooped. I never heard what she was to be whooped for. She
thought she would be whooped. She took a rope and tied it to a limb and
to her neck and then jumped. Her toes barely touched the ground. They
buried her in the cemetery on the old Ed Cotton place. I never seen her
buried. Aunt Ruthie's grave was the first open grave I ever seen. Aunt
Mary was papa's sister. She was the oldest.

"I would say anything to the Yankees and hang and hide in Miss Fannie's
dress. She wore long big skirts. I hung about her. Grandma raised me on
a bottle so mother could nurse Walter (white). There was something wrong
wid Miss Fannie. We colored children et out of trays. They hewed them
out of small logs. Seven or eight et together. We had our little cups.
Grandma had a cup for my water. We et with spoons. It would hold a peck
of something to eat. I nursed my mother four weeks and then mama raised
Walter and grandma raised me. Walter et out of our tray many and many a
time. Mother had good teeth and she chewed for us both. Henry was
younger than Walter. They was the only two children Miss Fannie had.
Grandma washed out our tray soon as ever we quit eating. She'd put the
bread in, then pour the meat and vegetables over it. It was good.

"Did you ever hear of Walter Cotton, a cancer doctor? That was him. He
may be dead now. Me and him caused Aunt Sue to get a whooping. They had
a little pear tree down twix the house and the spring. Walter knocked
one of the sugar pears off and cut it in halves. We et it. Mr. Ed asked
'bout it. Walter told her Aunt Sue pulled it. She didn't come by the
tree. He whooped her her declaring all the time she never pulled it nor
never seen it. I was scared then to tell on Walter. I hope eat it. Aunt
Sue had grown children.

"The Ku Klux come through the first and second gates to papa's house and
he opened the door. They grunted around. They told papa to come out. He
didn't go and he was ready to hurt them when they come in. He told them
when he finished that crop they could have his room. He left that year.
They come in on me once before I married. I was at my girl's house. They
wanted to be sure we married. The principal thing they was to see was
that you didn't live in the house wid a woman till you be married. I
wasn't married but I soon did marry her. They scared us up some.

"I don't know if times is so much better for some or not. Some folks
won't work. Some do work awful hard. Young folks I'm speaking 'bout.
Times is mighty fast now. Seems like they get faster and faster every
way. I'll be eighty years old this May. I was born in 1858."

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